1. Log in to your BexBack account.
2. Go to the user center, click on 'Security' find 'Security Settings' and click 'Close'.
3. Enter your account password and the PIN code generated by the Google Authenticator.
4. Click 'Submit' to successfully unbind.
Unbinding successful. When logging into your account, you no longer need to enter the Google Authenticator code; just enter your account and password to log in.
1. Do not forget to remove the BexBack account from your Google Authenticator app to avoid confusion after re-establishing a new Google Authenticator for your BexBack account.
2. After disabling/deleting the previous authenticator, please re-establish the Google Authenticator for your account as soon as possible.
If I lose my phone or forget to back up my Google Authenticator:
Please contact the support team at support@bexback.com, and we will assist you in clearing the Google Authenticator. If you need a new authenticator, please rebind it yourself.
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